CLEMENTI FRANCESCO, Assistant Professor, Ph.D. Eng.
He graduated with honors in Civil Engineering at Polytechnic University of Marche in 2005. He obtained the PhD Degree in “Architecture, Buildings and Structures” at the same University during the academic year 2008-2009. He is Assistant Professor in “Structural Mechanics” at the Faculty of Engineering of the Polytechnic University of Marche (Ancona) from 2012. He has developed research and teaching activities at the Universities of Ancona, Camerino, Lublin (Poland) and Sao Paulo (Brazil). His research interests focus on composite materials, both from a theoretical and from a practical point of view (i.e., for strengthening of existing buildings), earthquake engineering, fracture mechanics, beams and laminates modelling.

She graduated with honors in Construction Engineering at Polytechnic University of Marche in 2009. She is due to obtain the PhD degree in “Architecture, Buildings and Structures” at Polytechnic University of Marche. Since 2010 she carries out research activities at DICEA in the field of recovery and strengthening of existing buildings. At the present she co-operates with A.h.R.T.E. s.r.l.

Laureata in "Ingegneria delle Costruzioni Edili e del Recupero" presso l'Università Politecnica delle Marche, collabora con A.h.R.T.E. srl dal 15/07/2013 al 16/09/2013 nell'ambito del Tirocinio formativo "Progettazione esecutiva di interventi di miglioramento sismico su edifici storici in muratura".

She graduated in Construction Engineering at Polytechnic University of Marche in 2012. She is attending the first year of the PhD course in “Environmental, Buildings and Architecture” Engineering. She co-operated with A.h.R.T.E. s.r.l. and ERAKIS s.r.o. to develop professional activities, in Italy and in Czech Republic, in the field of recovery and strengthening of existing buildings..