About us
A.h.R.T.E. (“Architectural heritage Restoration through Tailored Engineering”) was born in May 2012 as a Spin Off of Polytechnic University of Marche. The project belongs to Francesco Monni, Ph.D. Engineer, and to Enrico Quagliarini and Stefano Lenci, Professors of the Faculty of Engineering of the Polytechnic University of Marche (Ancona). Alessandro Battaglia, administrator and technical director of “Restauri Innovativi Tecnologici s.r.l.” from Cento (FE), in the main economical partner of the project..

He graduated with honors in Architecture and Construction Engineering at Polytechnic University of Marche (Ancona) in 2008. He obtained his PhD in “Architecture, Buildings and Structures” at Polytechnic University of Marche in 2012 whit a thesis about the use of basalt flexible continuous ropes for recovery and strengthening of historical buildings. He is a freelance engineer, C.E.O. and legal representative of A.h.R.T.E. s.r.l.. At present, he carries out research activities at DICEA (Department of Civil and Building Engineering, and Architecture - Polytechnic University of Marche). He deals with design and execution assistance for strengthening with TICORAPSIMO® System.

He graduated with honors in Construction Engineering at Polytechnic University of Marche (Ancona) in 1997. He obtained the PhD Degree in Building Engineering at Polytechnic University of Marche in 2001. He is an Assistant Professor in the field of “Technical Architecture” at Faculty of Engineering of Polytechnic University of Marche since 2004. He obtained the Italian National License to fulfil the position of Full Professor since 2010. His research interests are mainly focused on the recovery and conservation of existing buildings, on the study of innovative technologies based on non-conventional materials for restorations of buildings with emphasis to their durability and compatibility with the substrate. For A.h.R.T.E. s.r.l. he is a specialist consultant in structural recovery and safety of the existing buildings, and he work out design paths for the development of innovative technologies.

He graduated with honors in Civil Engineering at University of Ancona in 1992. He obtained the Ph.D. Degree in Structural Engineering at University of Florence. He was Assistant Professor at University of Rome “La Sapienza” 2000-2001, Associate Professor at University of Ancona 2001-2005, Full Professor (not confirmed) at Polytechnic University of Marche 2005-2008, and confirmed Full Professor in “Structural Mechanics” in the same University from 2008. He carried out research and teaching activities at Universities of Ancona, Camerino, Pisa, “La Sapienza” (Rome) and Paris 6. Actually, he is Chief of the Department of “Civil and Building Engineering, and Architecture” (DICEA is the Italian acronym). At DIECA laboratory experimental activities on building materials and diagnostics of existing structures (with destructive and nondestructive tests) take place. He is Vice-Chairman of the Board of A.h.R.T.E. s.r.l.. For this academic Spin-Off he deals with specialist structural recovery and structural safety of existing building, and he works out design paths for the development of innovative technologies.

He has vast experience as CEO and technical Director of “Restauri Innovativi Tecnologici s.r.l”, which is at present one of the most qualified Italian company in the seismic consolidation, and strengthening of existing structures using the externally bounded composites materials (FRP systems), attested SOA and certified ISO 9001. The amount and prestige of projects carried out after the earthquake events of L’Aquila (2009) and of Emilia-Romagna (2012) are a proof of his competence in this sector. He looks after of the commercial sector of A.h.R.T.E . s.r.l.

He graduated in Mechanical Engineering at University of Genova in 1986. He was Assistant Professor in “Mechanical Systems” at University of Genova 1990-1998, Associate Professor at University of Ancona 1998-2005, Full Professor in “Mechanical System” at the Faculty of Engineering of the Polytechnic University of Marche from 2005. His research interests focus on the analysis and design of dynamical systems in which the mechanical structure and the architecture of the control with an integrated mechatronic approach are considered. He is the representative of the Polytechnic University of Marche and a member of the board of A.h.R.T.E. s.r.l.