A.h.R.T.E. s.r.l. with the project ‘Sew up the stone with the stone’, has been chosen between the 5 efforts awarded by the Province of Ancona, as best practices in order to reduce waste polluting in the Marche Region.
The award belongs to the “Ridurre si può nelle Marche” Project first edition 2012/2013. The Project is promoted by Marche Region, Legambiente of Marche Region, Federambiente e Unioncamere of Marche Region and it aims to stimulate the reduction of waste production as antidote to new landfill’s establishment and the use of the waste as.
A.h.R.T.E. s.r.l. has been between the best 10 companies in the 2012 Ecapital Competition. This competition, whose award is 20.000 Euro, is promoted by the Marche Region, by the Chamber of Commerce of Ancona, by the Polytechnic University of Marche, by the ISTAO (Adriano Olivetti Institute of Ancona), by the University of Camerino and by the Carifano Bank. The awards were granted on March 20, 2013 at Ancona’s Theatre “Le Muse”.